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"Good Morning Miami" is my opinion column for The Miami Student newspaper. I began "GMM" at the end of my freshman year of college, writing about everything from politics to psychology to social issues.

Opinion Columns: Text


August 26, 2020

"As humans, we crave social connectivity and interaction, and much of that was taken away in a matter of days before we had time to contemplate, much less accept it. Resignation felt easy to slip into; idealism felt silly. It felt silly because idealism at its core feels whole-hearted, like it’s all or nothing, but it doesn’t have to be."

Opinion Columns: List


March 31, 2020

"No classes? What would that even look like? I didn’t want to think about it, and I figured I’d be back in a few weeks. This is why my apartment in Oxford looks like I just stepped out for a moment. My bed is neatly made. Colorful artwork scatters the walls. Clothes are in drawers. The purple towels I forgot to fold before I left rest in my laundry basket."

Opinion Columns: List


November 19, 2019

"Each year, I also allow myself one beautiful purchase, and this year’s was a Kate Spade agenda. The cover dazzles with flowers of red, green, yellow and pink. Golden rings bind the pages together. Like other Kate Spade products, this agenda offers a striking combination of elegance and practicality."

Opinion Columns: List

October 15, 2019

"I’m a pretty sentimental person, and behind that sentimentality resides an appreciation for tradition and a dislike for goodbyes."

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August 27, 2019

"Welcome to Oxford, freshies. Several months ago, you probably took a tour of Miami and felt completely overwhelmed. But something drew you to this little town in Ohio, and now you get to decide exactly what the next four years are going to look like."

April 2, 2019

This piece was written in response to reports of a horrible fraternity hazing situation. "But unfortunately, though many Greek students share a dedication to the positive ideals of the community and philanthropy, others seem to work just as hard to foster a bad reputation."

February 12, 2019

"One of my friends is graduating in the spring. He’s intelligent, well-versed in multiple subjects and a natural leader. He could probably do whatever he wants with his life. And recently I told him all of those things. His response surprised me, saying he would trade a lot of his intelligence to find something that he was passionate about. I sat with that for a moment."

Opinion Columns: List

January 29, 2019

"Even if we’re really not, it’s just easier to say we are. This perpetual superficiality is all too real. It’s fueled by the looming and continuous presence of social media and the pressure it brings  to make our lives appear better than they are."

November 20, 2018

"I hate being late. I hate the smell of rain. I hate bugs. But I don’t hate people. Honestly, nobody should. The overgeneralization of the word “hate” itself has trickled into every sector of life. People hate celebrities. People hate politicians. People hate a particular race or ethnic group."

April 17, 2018

"My friend’s laptop was on fire. Rewind a couple hours earlier to last Friday morning. My friends and I sat in geology, discussing rock formations. One of my friends mentioned her laptop was misbehaving, making strange noises and not connecting to the internet. I attributed it to Miami Wi-Fi, but little did I know, a small storm was brewing beneath that luminescent Apple logo."

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